AP Photo Blog

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dear God, Make me a bird

The excuses are as follows:
-I don't have the energy
-I don't have the time
-No one reads this
-Who cares?
-There's nothing interesting to photograph
-I'm not interesting
-All of my ideas have been done before
-I'm a dull person pretending to be creative and fooling no one
-I never have my camera on me (WHY NOT???)

And then about once a month I become inspired by a scene, a blog, another photographer and wallow in self pity about what a failure I am. Then I become determined and pull myself together and vow to do something like I will make a photograph everyday for a year. I am then left with my own disappointment and I die a little inside.

So when do I start a new pattern? When do things change? Next month? Next year? Tomorrow?

Yea, probably tomorrow. But I don't promise.